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Need help with Latin?

I'm not an expert, but if you are in Latin, than perhaps, I can help you. I am especially helpful if you are using a Cambridge Latin book.

Latin is an extremely old language dating back to over 2100 years! To find out more about the Latin language, visit some of these helpful sites.

Click here for a website all about Latin history and grammar, and its made especially for high school students!

Click here to learn all about the latin language, Roman life, mythology, latin literature, and even take a virtual tour of Rome!

If you take Latin, and know who Mr. Baker is, then you can click on this link to go to his Latin website.


This is the Arch of Janus

This is the front of the very-well-known Colosseum.


If you are studying from a book different from the Cambridge books, feel free to email me and I will help as best as I can.