Some people have probably never heard of Gene Kelley, but I'm gonna take some time:

Actor, producer, director, choreographer, and one of the best dancers ever to tap his way across the silver screen. Did you
know his acting wasn't bad either? In 1945 he received a Best Actor nomination for his performance in ANCHORS AWEIGH.
In 1985, the American Film Institute honored Gene Kelly with a Life Achievement Award.
When he was younger, Gene and his siblings started a group called the Five Kellys (kind of like the Jackson 5) and they sang
and danced at small gatherings and shows. Gene hated taking dance lessons at first because his friends would make fun of
him, but when he found it attractive to the girls he decided to stick with it. He went to college to become a lawyer, and
earned money dancing. Dancing was in his heart and so he went on doing that never to become a lawyer.